Hello once again audience!
I return to you a man who has tried his hand in advertising
and was left unperturbed yet adversely with a insatiable desire for more. The aforementioned may be a slight
exaggeration however I did really enjoy the task we just completed in class.
And just like an IB thinker who is also inherently reflective, I am here to
reflect on the experience.
However, before we venture into that meaty subject its time
for our WOW word. The word obfuscate
funnily enough connotes exactly what we see it as, an overcomplicated weird
word. The word as I mentioned so wittily means ‘overly complicated” and can be
used to get out of obfuscating situations as using it will obfuscate whomever
it may concern diverting and extenuating the situation! The more you know!
For the task itself we were given a product that we were
meant to sell. Essentially we were meant to convince the respective product’s
company that our vision/sales pitch was the way for them to maximize their
profits. My group was given the product of Portable Conflict Zone Shelters.
These shelters are ideal for countries witness to wars and other dire
circumstances that have a potential toll on its inhabitants. These shelters
serve as a home away from home and a key in preserving those who are caught in
the cross hairs of a war that does not concern them. An apt example of this
would be the Syrian refugee crisis.
Within the instant of receiving our product I knew that our main
appeal would be pathos as the one thing that can be evoked by war is emotion.
As a result my overbearing personality took over as once I have a vision I have
this intemperate drive that doesn’t take to well to constructive criticism.
That being said, I felt that we use persuasive techniques should appeal to the
need for protection and guidance, as humans are intrinsically resilient and
have an ingrained desire to help wherever they can. Therefore a product that
has the potential to ameliorate an already terrible circumstance in harmony
with this appeal would leave an indelible impression on any viewer, effectively
cajoling them into donating.
The persuasion techniques actually included within the
presentation can be found in the accompanying PowerPoint, which included
evocative images of war and angst with bold, hyperbolic words. These words in
either red or white against this black and white background help set an
atmosphere which was meant to be supplemented by emotional music as that would
truly create an effective tone convincing the company and essentially the target
audience if chosen. The script itself draws inspiration from the Don Draper
sales pitch from Mad Men as it uses stats and effective circumlocution to create
a scenario and provide a solution.
In terms of the actual presentation, I felt it went really
well in spite of the fallibility of technology. The slideshow worked
effectively and the script worked well however I was disappointed by my lack of
tone as actually operating the slideshow sidetracked me. Additionally I feel it
would have been beneficial for my group to actually explain the reason and
features of our pitch. Aside from that I felt we worked effectively.
It truly was a great pitch Joshwa. Your use of pathos was effective, and overall your presentation was one of the best I saw in the two classes. I was a little bit confused as for the most part, it felt like you were trying to advertise it to us rather than convince the company to use your advertisement company, although I think most of us found that part quite obfuscated, and you almost found the balance of the spectrum. Overall, very well done and can't wait to see you fail your FOA (which you forgot to mention btw)